Sunday 2 August 2020

THE INDICTMENT OF 21ST CENTURY MEDICAL SCIENTISTS; President Museveni Glorifies Scientists But Forgets That They Have So Far Failed To Find Vaccines For Hiv/Aids, Ebola, Zika Virus, And Don’t Have A Conclusive Scientific Study About Covid-19

THE INDICTMENT OF  21ST CENTURY MEDICAL SCIENTISTS; President Museveni Glorifies Scientists But Forgets That They Have So Far Failed To Find Vaccines For Hiv/Aids, Ebola, Zika Virus, And Don’t Have A Conclusive Scientific Study About Covid-19

During his recent 22nd July 2020 covid-19 speech, president Museveni stressed that most of the actions (the harsh restrictions including the much dreaded lockdown) that were undertaken in regard to combating the spread of the corona virus were science-led.
While science on its own is always full proof and can be trusted by virtue of the fact that it is more experimental based and goes through thorough analysis that gives definite results, the approach towards the corona virus was not based on science at all.
The truth of the matter is that this time the scientist did not make enough experiments or enough scientific studies about covid-19. They even admitted that they were not well versed with all the nitty-gritty about covid-19.
Their actions were more presumptive than scientific, more haphazard than methodical and more panic driven than scientific driven.

That’s why they have not even come close to discovering the vaccine that can cure this deadly pandemic. That also explains why they have failed to find out how people are recovering from the virus in big numbers even when there is no known vaccine.
While Ugandans medics suggested that they have used hydroquinone to treat the covid-19patients, the medics from the western world have dismissed it as a mere placebo.

The medics from the western world tried to suggest that the drug called Remedsvil can treat covid-19 but they soon found out that it couldn’t work.

The Remedsvil drug had been made to treat Ebola, but the it failed in that assignment and they shelved it.  They were now speculating that they could transfer a drug meant for Ebola to treat covid-19 , but it still failed to work.
This simply exposes these scientists as a bankrupt lot that shouldn’t be relied upon without asking some logical questions.


The scientist have clashed on the origin of the corona virus; while some claim that it originated from animals without stating specifically which animals, others claim it originated from bats, yet others claim that it came from pigs or birds etc.
But the politically motivated scientists (mostly the Americans) are still adamant that it was manufactured in a Chinese laboratory of Wuhan.
Now once there is a clash about the origin of the problem, then you know that the solution is far from being found. I wonder which scientific position president Museveni regards as the source of covid-19.


Then the scientists also clashed in regard to the way the virus was spread.
While others claim that it spreads through close contact between people in a congested area, another group of scientists came up with another version that stated that it is airborne.
Common sense shows that an airborne disease can spread with or without close contact between people.
Another born of contention is about the lifespan of the virus itself on the surfaces. While you hear some claims that the virus can last more than fourteen days on a given surface others are giving contradictory answers.
Now how can a sane person believe in these contradictions?


 When the corona virus broke out in Wuhan at the end of 2019, these scientists in conjunction with the idiots at the world health organization designed health guidelines that practically consigned the world economy to its knees.

They suggested suicidal guidelines like staying at home in total isolation for the entire population, even when the disease trend showed that the virus was very specific in attacking older and vulnerable people.

They recommended staying at home completely without exercising, yet evidence proved that the disease was easily averted by some degree of exercising by running outdoors.
A frightened Population was confined in their homesteads and were exposed to air conditioners which further undermined their health systems.
These guidelines of confining people in their homes killed thousands of people than covid-19 itself in countries like Italy, Spain, Germany, china, USA etc.
Actually there is a lot of evidence to show that more people died during a complete lock-down in those respective countries than after relaxation of restrictions.
Forcing people in self isolation came with the unintended consequences of traumatizing people used to social interaction and moving around freely.


Some of us who had read through the lines, rejected most of these scientists mostly because the scientists themselves had not used scientific means to arrive at those protocols they designed to either combat or avert covid-19

We thought some wise world leaders should have opposed SOME OR EVEN most of those suicidal guidelines, but very few leaders possessed the wisdom to put up some resistance.

The only world leader who almost discovered the mediocrity of these scientists was American president Donald trump who attacked the world health organization and opposed some stupid guidelines like lock-down.
At one time he even tried to rally the Americans in Michigan, Ohio, and Florida to come out and work.
At one time he even opposed the idea of making mandatory wearing of masks, saying that others may have to wear them, not him.
Other brave and logical leaders who questioned the silly health guidelines like Brazilian president Brosonaro were silenced by the high number of infections and deaths to covid-19.
Yet the truth is that those high number of infections and deaths would have occurred irrespective/ with or without the health guidelines.
Why? Because some of these pandemics are like a wave that sweeps through a given territory irrespective of how prepared you are.

Ineptitude of 21st century medics 
Florence nightingale
The mediocrity of these scientists, particularly of the 21st century, is more pronounced by their clear failure to come up with vaccines for the various pandemics like HIV/Aids, ebola, Sars, zika and corona virus respectively.
In fact there are suggestions that these scientists have been using 19th century methods to cure diseases of the 21st century!
Gone are the days of the great scientists like Louis  Pasteur the man who researched about germ disease , joseph liter who made important discoveries  in antiseptic surgery, Florence nightingale in the field of nursing and many others i couldn't list here.
Therefore suggestions that president Museveni was led by scientists to impose the restrictions that led to the suffering of Ugandans was absurd.

What m7 should have done
As a leader with some personal intelligence and some degree of independent reasoning, president Museveni should have applied some logic before implementing those guidelines.
For instance, he should have questioned how people were to survive without working for more than 120 days?
He should have been honest enough to tell those scientists that Uganda as a country doesn’t possess the welfare structure or capacity to feed Ugandans for even 20 days.
He should also have reasoned that the virus can be handled by observing some basic protocols that CANNOT hurt the economy like mandatory wearing of masks, washing of hands, social distancing, etc.
As we speak right now, president Museveni has no idea how people with closed businesses in the private sector will deal with paying rent, paying loans, monthly remittances to NSSF, paying salaries etc.

Therefore while president Museveni can claim that he was led by scientists, it’s clear that they did well in misleading him than offering more logical solutions in the fight against the corona virus.
While it’s true that science provides more tried and tested methods of work for humanity, there is a lot of evidence to show that the scientists of today don’t seem to posses the scientific capabilities of the scientists of the previous centuries.
The medical scientists of today lack the innovative mind, the proclivity for research and the general prowess to be relied upon.
President Museveni therefore shoots himself in the foot when he claims that he Was science-led in a venture (of covid-19) where there was little or no application of science in the first place.  

I rest my case
 The author Fred Daka Kamwada is a blogger, social critic and political analysts

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