Monday 27 April 2020

OBSERVED FACTS ABOUT COVID -19- Why Are Wealthy People Not Succumbing To Death From The Corona Virus?

OBSERVED FACTS ABOUT COVID -19Why Are Wealthy People Not Succumbing To Death From The Corona Virus?

1.     Why are animals that caused the corona virus  not being quarantined or killed
2.     Why are wealthy people not succumbing to death from the covid-19?
3.     Do Africans have stronger covid-19 resistant immunity?
4.     Is it possible that tropical climate is not conducive for the virus to thrive?
5.     How crucial is vitamin D in averting covid-19 virus?
6.     The substandard testing kits could have exaggerated the covid-19 fatalities
7.     some countries did not need to embark on complete lock-down
8.The Science Community Of The 21st Century Must Be Condemned For Failing To Come Up With A Vaccine

Ever since (late 2019) the world was attacked by the menacing covid-9 virus, there have been divergent views about what should have been done to contain it.
Some of us who are vividly opposed the complete lock-downs have researched about previous pandemics which have similar contagious tendencies to the corona virus and found that the 21st century is suffering from an information deficit especially in the field of medicine.

Some centuries ago the world was hit by various pandemics including polio , influenza , small pox , measles , malaria etal at different times but the scientists of the time managed come up with vaccines that healed those epidemics.
But in the last 30 years the world has been hit by the aids virus, the Ebola virus, tuberculosis, the Zika virus and SARS, but NO direct vaccine has been found for those pandemics.

Mankind has only been lucky that those pandemics have emerged, killed some and simply evaporated without being medically defeated.
In fact there are popular allegations that even the vaccine that treats normal flu has not yet been found.  The only treatment for flu is done through immunity boosting drugs and not a direct vaccine.
It’s also said that the only available vaccine against tuberculosis dates to the early 20th century. But although it is generally safe, its efficacy is limited and it does not provide complete protection.

Today we are seeing the same ‘placebo’ approach has been used against the corona virus with some degree of success.


The Ugandan medics have treated patients of the covid-19 by using a combination of hdrooxychloroquine , ethromycine and an addition of some vitamin D and C boosters.
This drug combination has however been downplayed by experts who consider it to be a mere placebo. A placebo is something administered as a drug to console the patient that s/he has been treated with a drug yet it has no medicinal value. It only plays a psychological role.

This shows that the direct vaccine that heals covid-19 shouldn’t be faraway form being discovered.   It seems the advent of internet where information is stored has impeded new health innovations.  Instead of coming up with new innovations our scientists simply goggle for answers for health challenges from the internet. And that is the tragedy faced by the 21st century.

 In fact there are suggestions that SARs (severe respiratory syndrome) that rocked the world in 2003 was fought using 19th century methods!

This explains why they are now speculating that the world will have to wait for another 18 months before they come up with a vaccine.  You should be afraid enough NOT to expect the vaccine for much longer than that!

They (21st century health experts and researchers) are busy peddling scares about the possible emergence of a second round of the corona virus asserting that the second round of covid-19 is likely to emerge from Africa. Now what is the basis for this sort of scaremongering?

Is it researched or a scientific finding? 
My view is that these speculators want to convince African governments to extend the lockdown so that African economies can collapse together with the rest of the world that has suffered from the covid-19.
Yet it would have helped if they had concentrated their energies in finding a permanent cure for the corona virus by interrogating the following facts;

1.     WHY NOT QUARANTINE animals

To fight a disease, you need to know its source. And for that matter the medics have come up with a unanimous view that the corona virus was caused by animals and passed on to humans.

But it’s disturbing enough to note that covid-19 broke out, there was no action taken on the animals. The animals which are known to have been the source have neither been isolated nor quarantined to stop them from passing on the virus to the human beings.
Is it negligence, mere oversight or lack of proper evidence from the science community?

Yet when SARS broke out in 2003, the Chinese slaughtered all the pigs that were recognized as the source of the virus. That is an indictment on the WHO community that designed measures for combating covid-19.

2.     Do Africans have stronger covid-19 resistant immunity?

One of the observed facts is that Africans seem to have stronger immunity that can resist the succumbing to corona virus and respiratory diseases in general. That why there was no serious cases of ZIKA virus, SARS on the African continent.  Even the corona virus has failed to have the same impact that it has had in America, Europe and Asia.
Although it’s not a scientific finding, its being deduced from the fatality figures around the world that the black Africans have suffered fewer fatalities than any other race in the world.

There are many countries where corona virus patients from the black race have healed than perished to covid-19.
For instance in Namibia has got 66 patients but none of them has died as yet (by the time of writing this article on the 26st April 2020)
Uganda which registered 55 covid-19 cases has NOT lost a single person but instead registered quite a number of them who have recovered.

Yet you had cases where 900 Americans perished in just 24 hours!
This is an obvious fact that can help the scientists to interrogate why this is so in the black African community and NOT the case in the Caucasian and Asian communities.

3.     The age pattern element

According to figures, more elderly people have perished at the hands of the corona virus than younger people. This shows that the virus attacks soft vulnerable old people.
What does this mean? There is a stronger possibility that if older people had been systematically quarantined, it would have saved some lives.\

By employing a selective approach of confining older people, it would have been a more sensible approach than a complete lockdown.  But the indiscriminate confining of people in their houses might have had a more devastating effect than the virus itself.

4.     Why are Wealthy people not dying 

Some of the most influential people to have been affected by the corona virus include, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, prince Charles of the united kingdom, Arsenal football manager Mikel Arteta, Belgian soccer player Maroune Fellaini, Chelsea football star Calum Hudson Odoi. Etc. 

It’s interesting to note that none of those influential people have died of the corona virus. in fact British premier Boris Johnson has fully recovered and resumed work at his work station.
Should we therefore safely conclude that the corona virus selectively spares wealthy people?
Scientists should interrogate why all these wealthy people have recovered from the corona virus while the rest of society is perishing. Is there a correlation between covid-19 fatality and poverty?

The answer is probably yes, because wealthy people tend to have got the necessary diet that has required immunity to resist covid-19  
Of course where some famous people have died, you find that they were of advanced age (mostly above 60).

5.     Climate/Weather pattern

Another interesting much talked about pattern that can help the science community concerns the observed fact that the covid-19 virus doesn’t seem to thrive in hotter climates.
Since the virus broke out in late 2019, the trend has seen more fatalities in countries with colder climates than those with hotter climates.
 At the same time African countries with tropical climates don’t seem so much bothered. It’s believed that the corona virus cannot thrive in temperatures above 26 degrees Celicious.

This logically means that countries like Uganda which rotate in temperatures above 26 degrees Celicious can survive covid-19 without enforcing a complete lockdown.
This also shows that the criteria for enforcing lockdown should have varied from country to country.

6.     The Vitamin D element

According to scientific findings, the human body needs vitamin D and C to boost its immunity.  This vitamin D is derived from the human interaction with the sunshine. Now if the country undergoes a winter season, its citizens are automatically deprived of that crucial vitamin D because there Is NOT enough sunshine to provide it.

Since the human body thrives by picking vitamin D from the sunshine, it’s more of a logical conclusion that the virus can be more menacing during winter.
So it goes without need of emphasis that the African weather which is assured of enough sunshine is in a more enviable position of not being a victim of the corona virus.
7; substandard covid-19 testing kits

There are reports that some covid-19 testing kits are not reliable. This has been reported in India, china and some parts of Africa. If the testing kits are not reliable, why should the figures of infections and fatalities be relied upon?

If it’s true that the testing kits are fake, as widely reported, then there is a possibility that some of the figures have been exaggerated. And the exaggeration can either be upwards or downwards in terms of figures, depending on the interests of the leaders of a given country.

All these observed facts show that some African countries with a fair practical advantage over corona virus shouldn’t have embarked on complete lockdown.

In fact the world needs to investigate some African leaders who enforced very harsh restrictions even when the virus had not had any practical impact on the population. There is a possibility that these leaders were not operating in good faith.

But most importantly the science community should be condemned for failing to live to expectations. Why should the world wait for 18 months for the vaccine?  
If the covid-19 vaccine is not found in 18 months, does it mean we will continue with the lockdown beyond that period?

Fred Daka Kamwada is a Ugandan social critic, blogger and anti-lockdown activist


  1. Gumisiriza Alex Very good observations. All major science discoveries begin with theory, questions n solutions.
    1. Previous scientists were working for mankind n legacy unlike the current ones who are compelled to work for money n other interests.
    2. This may be a biological n economic warfare gone wrong or out of hand!
    3. Independent scientists need to find out whether it's artificial or action of evolution n mutation from animals to humans
    4. Viruses, by nature attack strongly for first infections but later become mild. Don't b shocked to see HIV not killing people in near future as it is with cold.
    5. Many blacks in Europe in west died. This gives two options to research abt. Climate n feeding patterns.
    6. Uganda also boasts of youngest population but we need to cross check with other countries
    On the other hand, the lock down will give a new dimension of thinking abt other new methods of saving economy. Pollution was also destroying the man kind. Hopefully, the planet has refreshed. The law of natural selection has also set in! The world continues!
